Our Story
Welcome to ACEC Farm! Just to clarify, ACEC is short for Alice and Chad, along with our boys Evan and Collin. We are 4th generation farmers, 2nd generation hog farmers. We have proudly passed on our love for agriculture and farming on to our adult children. We have a farrowing to finish hog operation located on 17 acres in Shoemakersville, PA. We lease over 200 additional acres growing corn, soybeans, sorghum, and dry hay. Our hogs are antibiotic free and fed the crops grown by us. In addition to consumer pork products, we also sell feeder hogs, market hogs, and show hogs, supporting 4-H and FFA youth. We are PQA (Pork Quality Assurance) and BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) certified and strive to produce the best consumer products available. We hope to see you soon!